Everyone needs a helping hand, and donations help us make the best of every situation.
Donations of things we use are greatly appreciated and help us with the day to day care for our cats and dogs.
Bleach (Any brand - germicidal)
Dog/Cat treats
Paper Towels
Dog/Cat toys
Fleece blankets/Wash rags (No fluffy blankets)
Canned wet dog/cat food (any brand / flavor)
Dry dog/cat food (any brand)
Dog/Cat Beds
Poop bags
Trash bags (13 gallon)
Puppy pads (any size)
Wish Lists
Help Us, Help Them
Make a donation
Help us, Help Them. We hope to find a loving home for every one of our animals, but for now, YOU can help us take care of them. From in-house care to food and vet bills, every bit helps!
If you want to sponsor a pet or pay for an adoption, feel free to leave a comment on who it is and your name. Â
Dogs - $350Â Puppies - $400Â Cats/Kittens - $150
One time
Comment (optional)

Corporate Partnership
Our corporate partnership program helps your business and us by strengthening bonds in our local community.
You will help
support the nearly 500 homeless/injured animals in our care each year while promoting your business.
Your bi-annual business’ gift will not only help us to continue our mission, but will also serve to benefit your company by:
Promoting your brand while reaching a wide demographic through in-shelter, event, and social media* advertising.
Increasing your businesses visibility.
Strengthening your business’ name within the local community.
* Social media following of 10,000 followers and growing.
Logo placement on our adoption folder that goes with every adopter.
Thank you on our marquee to your company facing
Corporate Logo on banner during events.
25% off adoption and merchandise.
Automatically a hole sponsor for our annual golf outing.
Waived fees for adoptions and merchandise.

Linked Corporate Logo on our website.
